Wall-Mounted vs Door-Mounted Doggy Door: The Pros and Cons of Each

Most homeowners with dogs like the idea of installing pet doors to let their precious pooches leave and enter the home at will. This makes it easier for them to get into the garden to relieve themselves or just to relax in the sun. However, you need to make a decision before you have the doggy door installed: Is it going in your own door, or do you want it going in a wall?

Five Tips For Improving Your Bedroom Storage Solutions

Most people store a lot of things in their bedrooms, but it's also pretty widely accepted that a tidy, organised bedroom is a vital part of stress reduction and good sleep hygiene. If you're feeling a little overwhelmed by this juxtaposition, never fear--there are a few things you can do to keep clutter under control and turn your bedroom back into the relaxing boudoir it ought to be. #1: Clear out your closets every spring and every autumn.

Two Ways To Create a Sun Safe Pool This Summer

Like many Australians, you probably find that spending time in your backyard pool is a great way to stay cool and beat the heat this summer. Unfortunately, spending more time in the pool also means spending more time in the sun. Sun exposure is the leading cause of skin cancer, and the more time you spend being exposed to the sun's harmful UV rays, the higher your chances are of developing this insidious and far too common form of cancer.

Five Ways to Add Storage Space to a Smaller Kitchen

The kitchen is expected to hold plenty of items. From cookbooks to cutlery, everything needs its own special place. Even more inconveniently, you really need almost all of your kitchen items to be within easy grabbing distance instead of stuck right at the bottom of a drawer. Finding enough storage space can seem like an uphill battle in any kitchen, but it can be a real nightmare when you're dealing with a smaller kitchen.

6 Tips For Maintaining Your Solar Hot Water System

Solar hot water systems can help you to save money and protect the environment. During the day, this kind of system uses energy from the sun to heat water, which you can then use for bathing. Using the sun's energy means you don't need to spend money on electricity to heat the water you use in your home. Although solar hot water systems can be very cost-effective, they need occasional maintenance to keep them working well.